Welcome Screen
Go to Extensions->MyMuse
Live Update
- MyMuse uses Live Update to download newer versions. You must enter your username and password for the MyMuse site in the Options screen to receive the updates.
- Add Sample Data: This will create three Categories, MyMuse as a top level with "Iron Brew" and "World Music" under that. Then it will create a product with two tracks with previews. It fetches the previews and images from the joomlaymymuse.com server. Your PHP version needs cURL for this to work.
- Store: opens the Edit Store screen.
- Plugins/User Plugins: opens list screens for MyMuse plugins or User Plugins
- Parameters/Options. Look over the Options for the component by clicking on "Options" in the top right corner. These can be overridden by Menu options.
- Categories: opens teh List screen for MyMuse Categories.
- Products/Albums: opens the List screen for MyMuse products.
- Taxes: opens the List screen for MyMuse taxes.
- Create Menus: opens the list screen for Menus.
- Hits: 9924